Schedule a Compass Ministries Event with Bro. Mike Morris!

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."                           Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)



Help Support This Ministry

With a passion to reach lost people for Christ and a desire to motivate Christians to serve God, Bro. Mike's impactful message of revival and hope brings hundreds to the saving knowledge of the Lord each year. His easy to understand yet biblically sound message transcends all age groups and social classes. Bro. Mike's heart is to communicate to the world, large or small, that hope can only be found in Christ!

Bro. Mike is available for revivals in several different formats:

          Traditional Revival (Sunday through Wednesday)

          Nontraditional (Friday or Saturday through Sunday)

          One Day Revival (Sunday Only)

Bro Mike is also available to lead small groups, mission teams, and churches (large or small) in discipleship and evangelistic events.  Empowering Christians to serve the Lord while living a life pleasing to Him is imperative.  Several events can accomplish this:

          Disciple Now Weekend (Saturday and Sunday)                      For Youth or Adults or BOTH!!!

          Discipleship Saturday (Saturday Only)                                                      Learning to be Disciples for Christ                               (Firm Foundation Program)

And of course we love to share about what God is doing on the mission field.  Bro. Mike can come and share about Compass Ministries missions and the opportunities they present.

To schedule Bro. Mike please contact Compass Ministries at    931-954-1174 or e-mail us at


Compass Ministries is about building the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by fulfilling the Great Commission.

Our purpose is simply to point people to Jesus. We do this by promoting evangelism through ministry and missions.  Compass Ministries will provide training as well as help plan, coordinate, and impliment outreach events as well as mission trips.

So if you have a heart to serve but don't know where to start or just need a little help getting started, then we can help you!

Pointing People to Jesus