Pointing People to Jesus begins with you!


Our goal at Compass Ministries is to encourage ministers (and their spouse), ministry staff, and missionaries as they serve in their local ministries.  That is why we provide these ministry retreats various times throughout the year.  And best of all, this retreat is completely free for each participant.  This three day retreat is a time to rest, a time to be encouraged, and a reminder to remain true to God's calling. 

We are also available to host church staff retreats as well.  We untilize various locations, so we can plan everything for your church staff.  

The areas of North and South Dakota alng with Wyoming and Montana are in great need of a movement of God.  Many churches throughout this region are struggling to maintain their existence. Compass Misintries task in this region is simple...help existing churches by partnering them with them with mission teams. Many of the missions that we are currently involved with deal with ranching and rodeo type ministries. But don't worry, no experience is necessary.  The only requirement for this life-changing trip that is required is flexability.  Ministry opportunities come at unexpected times.


Opportunities abound in the areas surrounding the Great Smokey Mountains on both the Tennessee and the North Carolina sides of the mountains.  From backyard Bible clubs, to block parties, to construction teams, to campground ministries, there is something for you to do. This area is perfect for families to come and everyone (kids included) can participate in ministry in the smokies.  Compass Ministries will help connect you to a life changing trip!


The Rodeo Ministry exist for one purpose: to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible.  We do this by simply sharing a three minute story (testimony) with people from all over our nation.  Currently this ministry takes place in Mississippi (Dixie National Rodeo) and in Las Vegas (Grand National Rodeo).  Compass Ministries will help train you to share your story in three minutes and to help plan your mission trip to one of these rodeo's.